使用WC2009 CDQ PTT的最大势方法标号,然后check。O(n^2)的。
【弦图】不存在环满足(长度大于3)&&(环上任意非相邻点间无边) 的一个图。
使用WC2009 CDQ PTT的最大势方法标号,然后check。O(n^2)的。
【弦图】不存在环满足(长度大于3)&&(环上任意非相邻点间无边) 的一个图。
while (j<=lcm(N,M)){
while (i ans+=j-i; j+=M; } return (double)ans/(lcm(N,M)/M);(平均数) 、 然后发现其实每次j-i都是gcd(N,M)的倍数,设g=gcd(N,M),然后j-i刚好是0,g,2*g,3*g,…,(lcm(N,M)/M-1)*g 、 lcm(N,M)/M=N/g 于是ans=(N/g)*(N/g-1)/2 * g / (N/g) 然后最终代码是
int gcd(int x,int y){return y?gcd(y,x%y):x;}
double Starport::getExpectedTime(int N, int M) {
long long g=gcd(N,M);
long long t=N/g;
return g*(t*(t-1)/2)/(double)(t);
个中细节和处理技巧多多= =,请自行体会。。。
训练OI,也许该不停地切掉1000pt. AK各种省选题.
训练ACM,至少在我这个层次而言,Target应该是比较稳定地搞掉250pt和500pt. 至少先做到这样吧.
注意对于map C 做的时候头一热,SG都没算直接用胜负表示状态…NIM游戏转化为有向图的模型里面,如果只有一个棋子乱走确实可以这样,但是多个棋子走就必须SG函数了…犯傻了… 本题不只是多个棋子一起走,而且每个棋子还会分裂。但是我们依然可以得出这个性质:若该状态本身各棋子xor和为0,那么无论对方下一步怎么走,我还是能使得xor和为0(NIM游戏的证明方法)。 于是SG+异或前缀和。枚举决策是O(sqrt(n))的,总复杂度O(n*sqrt(n))
#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; const int N=100005; int sg[N]; int best[N]; int Sum[N]; set int main(){ int n; cin >> n; Sum[0]=0; sg[0]=1; fill(best+1,best+n+1,-1); for (int i=1;i<=n;i++){ Hash.clear(); for (int k=2;(k+1)*k/2<=i;k++){ int base=(i-(k+1)*k/2); if (base%k) continue; base/=k; if ( (Sum[base+k]^Sum[base])==0 ) if (best[i]==-1) best[i]=k; Hash.insert(Sum[base+k]^Sum[base]); } for (int j=0;;j++) if (!Hash.count(j)) { sg[i]=j; break; } Sum[i]=Sum[i-1]^sg[i]; } cout << best[n] << endl; } D 给一棵树,每条边有权值。n<=10^5 每两个点之间都会打一次架(A打了B,B还要打一次A),打架以后会在路径上边权最大的边上种树。如果多条最大边,每条都种树。 问最多树的是哪些路? 按边从小到大排序,然后逐次合并点块。如果没有同权的边,这个方法就很容易用并查集实现。然后现在我们考虑同权的一块处理,因为之前的小的都合过点了,现在加了一堆同权的边以后,会构成多颗新树。然后分别对这些树DFS求出子树大小然后乘一下就得解。 时间复杂度O(n lg n) #include #include #include #include #include #include
FameofLight ACRush: Finally the god of programming arrives
FameofLight ACRush: do you follow a random practice , or you practice question by topic , in your early days
ACRush FameofLight: No, our team practiced 3 or 4 full contests a week.
pt1989 ACRush: Can u tell us whom or what do u credit for ur success?
ACRush pt1989: I think more practice is the way.
ktuan ACRush: how can you arrange your study with 3-4 contests a week ?
ACRush ktuan: UVA, SGU , ZJU and PKU is enough.
pt1989 ACRush: what is ur method of practising? random or organised?
ACRush pt1989: contest env. We always solve programs in contest env.
Sunny_05 ACRush: wat is ur daily routine ?? i mean hw do u practice everyday ??
ACRush Sunny_05: We only have weekly routine for practice.
binarywithme ACRush: what u think about world final problems..level of difficulty
ACRush binarywithme: A little harder than 1000p.
MB__ ACRush: Which of these do you do after you submit your solution on TC: test solution, re-read problem statement, check code line by line
ACRush MB__: test for at least 10 cases.
martins256 ACRush: how many problems have you solved on OJ ?
ACRush martins256: about 2000.
kcm1700 ACRush: How many problems have you proposed on OJ or anything like this competition or something…?
ACRush kcm1700: about 2000.
vijay_comc ACRush: Who is your Arch Rival in Programming ? 😉
ACRush vijay_comc: Petr, I think.
SomethingWrong ACRush: What is your favourite Online Judge? 🙂
ACRush SomethingWrong: SGU.
vexorian ACRush: Why SGU?
ACRush vexorian: More tricky testcases.
Dee2306 ACRush: Being one of top programmers, do u believe its just practice which makes u perfect.. or some of u are born genius ?? 🙂
ACRush Dee2306: It’s at least 80% due to practice
stormsky ACRush: how to practice ACM for a ACM beginner?
ACRush stormsky: practice in contest env.
piva ACRush: Do you train more of one category of problems? Or you just solve problems at random?
ACRush piva: I do more practice in the ones I have troubles with.
pt1989 ACRush: what are ur interests other than programming?
ACRush pt1989: WarCraft.
vijay_comc ACRush: Petr is already married. No plans to compete him in that area ? 😀
ACRush vijay_comc: ….not yet.
Sarkin ACRush: Is analyzing algorithms an essential part of learning algorithms?
ACRush Sarkin: Not all, I think coding is in practice room is the rest way.
abdessamad ACRush: can believe it! when i see your challengers 😀 😀
ACRush abdessamad: It’s one thing that Petr did much better than me.
stjepan ACRush: where did/do you practice most and how?
ACRush stjepan: And join contest.
binarywithme ACRush: why u choose c++ as a default programming language
ACRush binarywithme: er.. Stl is the first reason. Another one may be efficient.
geekru2 ACRush: during contest, what kind of problems do u enjoy doing? as in type of problem?
ACRush geekru2: dp and network-flow.
reginachris ACRush: What’s the best OJ to start with for practice (UVa, SPOJ, TC, etc.)?
ACRush reginachris: USACO
ferry ACRush: What do you do when you can’t solve a problem or you don’t know what’s wrong?
ACRush ferry: I will try to pass it in practice room. I always do that.
geekru2 ACRush: Do you solve puzzles and mind bending questions to improve your problem solving techniques?
ACRush geekru2: no. I don’t like such problems like suduko.
Sarkin ACRush: What algorithm types helped you in the IOI?
ACRush Sarkin: dp.
abdessamad ACRush: did you like chess?
ACRush abdessamad: yes.
geekru2 ACRush: when in a team event(IOI etc), do you dominate while programming?
ACRush geekru2: yes. I guess.
kcm1700 ACRush: how do you prepare data for the challenge phase?
ACRush kcm1700: The trickiest one, of course.
binarywithme ACRush: sir what is the best way to learn DP.
ACRush binarywithme: TC contest.
[dasha] ACRush: When u were beginning to compete,did u have any problems? Like low speed of sloving, or maybe some particular method u couldn’t understend for a long time, sth else? If yes, how did u get over that?
ACRush [dasha]: USACO is a really good place. Especially for the beginners.
frank44 ACRush: how long did the usaco practice take you?
ACRush frank44: half one year.
binarywithme ACRush: what u think math should b strong to become a Gud programmer
ACRush binarywithme: The mathematical foundation is helps.
khanhptnk ACRush: excuse me, do you think what we should prepare before an important contest ?
ACRush khanhptnk: relax, and rush some simple problems. And solve some problems in a contest env. is also helpful.
Sarkin ACRush: Do you recommned reading "Introduction to Algorithms"? if you know?
ACRush Sarkin: Really good.
coder29 ACRush: which parts do u advice to read in "Introduction to Algorithms"?
ACRush coder29: All parts are perfect. except complexity.
MB__ ACRush: do you do any sports but topcoding?
ACRush MB__: soccer.
vijay_comc ACRush: Complexity in CLRS is flawed ?? 😮
ACRush vijay_comc: 7-8
Sarkin ACRush: What do you mean except comlexity?
ACRush Sarkin: That’s only my opinion.
pcaldeira ACRush: which skill do you consider most important on TCHS/ioi-style contests?
ACRush pcaldeira: algorithm skills and coding ability.
coder29 ACRush: I am newbie…which OJ is better fr me…USCO or UVA?
ACRush coder29: USACO
hakami ACRush: Are you useing library or typing from first for SRMs?
ACRush hakami: some includes and basic untilities.
vrajesh1989 ACRush: Will you try to prove your algorithms to yourselves during contest time or just believe your intuition and start coding?
ACRush vrajesh1989: Yes, it’s very important for me.
Sarkin ACRush: Do you use algorithm analyzis when solving a problem to see it’s effeciency?
ACRush Sarkin: Yes. the effeciency sometimes is more important than correctness in TC contest.
coder29 ACRush: basically i want 2 to do pratice on DP and greedy types…is TCs’ room are sufficient..?
ACRush coder29: A bulk of dp tasks in SRMs. TC’s room is good.
rajeshsr ACRush: In short, what is the strategy for becoming a good coder, according to u?
ACRush rajeshsr: Practice is the way.
Lingmum ACRush: How can we improve our speed of solving the problems,more problems?
ACRush Lingmum: More practice.
stormsky ACRush: do you often practice TC?and how to practice?
ACRush stormsky: Yes. But in fact, I prefer to doing past Regionals and finals.
sahiltiwari ACRush: how many hours you practise per day ?
ACRush sahiltiwari: 4-5
MohammadReza ACRush: What do you do to make your code becomes bugfree although the big size?
ACRush MohammadReza: test more tricky cases.(corner cases)
rajeshsr ACRush: Sorry to be repetitious, But I want to know what is the strategy of practice you employed? U select some random problems from OJs and solve or try to master a particular domain like DP by solving problems based on that or any other thing?
ACRush rajeshsr: set problems of past regionals and finals.
puneetkp444 ACRush: Can you suggest some ways to improve problem solving abilities
ACRush puneetkp444: practice all kinds of problems.
alft7 ACRush: what do you usually do before a very important competition, practise or something else?
ACRush alft7: practice until 3 days before it.
ferry ACRush: What is the hardest problem you’ve done?
ACRush ferry: I in WF2007.